Isolation Project, Days 24-25.

Because you know, it’s New Hampshire.

golden late day light upon the forest floor
A Light In The Forest.

Yesterday I spent an hour or so wandering the woods behind my house. It was a fairly warm seasonal spring day here in the good old Granite State.

That was yesterday.

This is today.

new wet spring snow on the forest floor with small pine trees.
Because you know, it’s New Hampshire.

April in New Hampshire wouldn’t be April in New Hampshire without a snow storm or two. Or three.

Who knows, because well, it’s April in New Hampshire.

Isolation Project, Day 11.

Looking straight down on a wet oak stump with green moss and lichen on its cut weathered surface.

Another rainy day in isolation.

Today, while walking out back, in the rain, the pattern formed by the pale green lichen on the top surface of this long ago cut oak stump caught my eye. The vibrant green of the moss, combined with the lichen and the dark wet wood, made me want to attempt to make a photo. I’m moderately pleased with the results.

Likin’ Lichen.

If you’re making your own series of images captured during this crisis, please share a link in the comments, or you can follow me on Twitter and share them using the hashtag #IsolationPhotoProject

Sunday’s Hidden Treasure

Late day sun causes the fallen leaves on the forest floor, as well as the remaining leaves on the trees to glow a wonderful orange-gold, with the trees casting long shadows. Bright blue sky can be seen through the trees, with a stone wall also in the background.


From late October through most of November, the most gorgeous golden light passes through the woods on the side of the road to my house. So far this is the best I’ve done to capture it. Taken back in 2008, only a few months after I bought my first camera, this is also my first attempt at HDR, not half bad if I do say so myself.

Canon 40D

Canon EF 24-70 f2.8L

ISO 100, 45mm, f8 @ 1/100

Weekly Photo Challenge: Free Spirit.


A red tail hawk flies away through a deeply shadowed forest. The warm sunlight momentarily illuminates its graceful flight just as it disappears in the trees.

A soon as I read the theme for this week I knew which photo I was going to use. This red tail hawk was a most wonderful and patient subject. He / she posed for me for almost an hour, then as if we could read each others minds, as I was finishing up with my last photos, it took flight.

Before Departure.

red-tail hawk sitting in a tree in this close-up.          red-tail hawk sitting in a tree

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment


Defined as passing swiftly. That often describes the scene before me captured in many of my photographs. Be it the fleeting instance of the perfect light, or the interaction of wildlife, there but gone in an instant.

a mother wakes her young with a kiss

breakfast with daddy

in a moment the light would be gone

In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


NOTE. I’m off to Acadia National Park until mid week. Any and all comments will be replied to when I return.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Together

Together, a family in the woods.

(Yes, I have shared this one before, but if the image fits, I’m going with it 😀 )

Together, a parent was never too far away.

Together, an “ode” to love.

(true damselfly and dragonfly fans will get it ;-))

Weekly Photo Challenge: Peaceful


Is a cascading stream in the New Hampshire forest.

Madison Cascades

Watching the sun peak over the horizon as ghostly waves caress the cobbled granite shore.

Rye Harbor State Park at sunrise

A mother and her young.

Black bear sow with two cubs.