Looking Back – My Favorite Images from 2013

2013 Through The Lens.

The past year has been outstanding for me. Physically, I don’t think I’ve ever been in better shape, even better than when I was racing mountain bikes. I can thank my time hiking in the mountains for that. And running, lots and lots of running.

Photographically, I’m happier with the images I’ve captured than ever before. I find myself shooting less, yet coming back with more. I’m developing a more critical eye towards what I photograph, knowing exactly what I want to capture and how I want to capture it. Fewer images from any given outing means less time in front of the computer too. A trend I hope to continue in the coming year.

Now the hard part.

Trying to come up with 12 favorite images from the past year though, that was tough. Not so much coming up with favorites, but narrowing it down to only 12, that was a challenge. Making the task even harder for me, when I set out to compile this list I had one self-imposed rule –  only one image from each of the last 12 months.

 So here they are, my favorite 12 images from the past year.

What’s Missing?

I purposely didn’t call this a “Best Of” list because that’s all very subjective and I’ll leave it up to you to decide what you feel is my best image from 2013.

So what’s missing? Is there a particular image I’ve shared over the past year that you think should have made the list?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Finally, to all my fans, subscribers, and those just passing through, I’d like to wish you all the best in the coming year.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved


 I’ve said that before, haven’t I?

Over the last few years, instead of being envious of my friends who ventured into to mountains, returning with spectacular photographs, I was going to hike to the mountain tops to make my own. But there was always something in the way. Lack of proper gear to hike in the frigid, wind-swept mountains, also, while always smoldering, I seemed to lack sufficient “fire” to give me the final push. Always something holding me back.

This is THE year!

With my friend Nate, the summit of Mt. Avalon in New Hampshire was a good place to kick it off.

Alpenglow reaches the summit of Mount Washington, piercing through a gap in the clouds. The snowy peaks of the rest of the Presidential Range trailing off into the distance towards image left.

2013 Is Going To Be A Great Year!