Isolation Project, Day 7.

Rainy Day

One week down.

Which I know to some of you that’s nothing. Some of you have been cooped up for twice that, and more. I sincerely hope all of you are able to find something to do to occupy your time. I have no idea what I’d do if it weren’t for my camera.

One thing’s for sure, some days have been a lot harder to come up with images than others. Yesterday it started raining, today it’s still raining, and based on the forecast you can expect photos of and in the rain pretty much all week. I guess it’s a good thing all of my Fujifilm X-Series cameras and lenses are weather resistant. On the plus side, dreary overcast days are great for the way colors seem so much more saturated.

I hope you enjoyed my image for Day 7. My apologies for it being a day late. Think of it as a rain delay 🙂 (Stay tuned for Day 8!)

Now lets see your Isolation Project images. Post a link you yours in the comments or follow me on Twitter and share your photos using the hashtag #IsolationPhotoProject

Isolation Project, Day 4 (Inside Edition)

So, you want to play along but you live in a small apartment or are otherwise unable to get outside? You think because you don’t have access to a big, or even little back yard you won’t be able to make a good photo?

These images are for you and I hope they’re able to inspire your creativity. Each and every one of them was made without ever leaving my house.

Yes I know the windows are filthy.
Shadow and Light.
sunlight through a textured stained glass front door window.
Front Door Sunrise.

I realize that none of these images is destined to win any awards, but that’s not the point. The point is that you don’t need a big back yard like mine. All you need is a camera and your imagination. The rest is up to you!

Join me on Twitter and share your Isolation Project images using the hashtag #IsolationPhotoProject.

Let’s see what you got!!

Isolation Project, Day 3.

Morning Frost.

Still “enjoying” my unplanned vacation from work I went outside first thing this morning waiting for something to catch my eye. Above is todays find.

Stay tuned for tomorrows Isolation Project image, and follow me on Twitter where you can share your images created in isolation using the hashtag #IsolationPhotoProject.