Isolation Project, Day 7.

Rainy Day

One week down.

Which I know to some of you that’s nothing. Some of you have been cooped up for twice that, and more. I sincerely hope all of you are able to find something to do to occupy your time. I have no idea what I’d do if it weren’t for my camera.

One thing’s for sure, some days have been a lot harder to come up with images than others. Yesterday it started raining, today it’s still raining, and based on the forecast you can expect photos of and in the rain pretty much all week. I guess it’s a good thing all of my Fujifilm X-Series cameras and lenses are weather resistant. On the plus side, dreary overcast days are great for the way colors seem so much more saturated.

I hope you enjoyed my image for Day 7. My apologies for it being a day late. Think of it as a rain delay 🙂 (Stay tuned for Day 8!)

Now lets see your Isolation Project images. Post a link you yours in the comments or follow me on Twitter and share your photos using the hashtag #IsolationPhotoProject

The Changing Face(s) Of Jeff Sinon Photography


Remember that guy who said he’d never photograph people?

Well we had to fire him.

Turns out he(okay, it was me) didn’t know what I was missing and just how much fun photographing people can be. Not to mention the challenge of stepping WAAAY outside of my normal comfort zone and photographing a subject that talks back!

Let me tell you, landscapes are easy when compared to photographing people. I don’t need to know anything about posing, the light I’m given by the sun is, like it or not, the light I have to work with. And if I botch a photograph of a waterfall that waterfall isn’t going to judge.

But those challenges have also been the unexpected fun of it all.

E-Session Anyone?


My first engagement session was a lot of “fun.” And by “fun” I mean I was a nervous wreck. Being paid by someone to take photos of them, the whole time trying to capture the love they share, adds a whole new meaning the the term “performance anxiety!”

By the end of the session I was much more at ease than when things started out, with both myself and my very patient clients being quite happy with the photos.

Practice, Practice, Practice. 


Getting my lovely wife in front of the camera was a tough sell, but she finally caved in.

I’ve been reading everything I can and watching pretty much any video I can find on using off camera lighting, but all that knowledge was useless without being able to put it to the test on a real person. Thanks, Sweety!

All in all I think I just might be getting the hang of this whole people thing.

And for those of you wondering what the heck is going on around here, where are those beautiful landscape photos? I’ll leave you with this, just so you know I haven’t completely lost my photographic mind! 😉

Sunrise and Rough Seas at Nubble Light