Re-Igniting A Passion.

“Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”  Norman Maclean,  A River Runs Through It

A fly fisherman standing in the middle of the Cocheco River, casts a dry fly.

Long before I ever picked up a camera, I was an avid fly fisherman, though I’m not sure “avid” even begins to describe my love of the art of casting a fly. Back when all I thought about was achieving a perfect, drag free drift, I spent as much time in the mountains chasing fish as I do now chasing sunrises.

There was something so peaceful and relaxing about casting a dry-fly to rising trout. And there is nothing like the satisfaction of catching a wary trout on a fly I’ve tied myself. Unfortunately fly fishing has taken a back-seat to photography the last few years.

The legs of a fly fisherman standing knee deep in the water, net hanging from his hip, stands patiently waiting for a fish to take his fly.

The photos seen here were all created by request for someone who contacted me looking for fly fishing photos to give as a gift. Since I had no fly fishing images in my portfolio, I was eager to get right on it and create a series of images from which they could choose.

Little did I know that I would also be receiving a gift in the process. A gift in the form of a rekindled desire to cast a fly, to be on the water attempting to entice a fish into accepting a hand tied fly.

Having been so busy getting my photography off the ground, I hadn’t realized just how much I missed fly fishing until I started making these photos. The rods will not be so neglected this coming year.

The legs of a fly fisherman standing in the ripples of a stream. Landing net and line, being gently pulled by the current.

Saving the best for last, if only because these were the ones chosen, these last two, both 20″ x 30″ (51cm x 76cm) canvas gallery wraps, are to be Christmas gifts for someone who will hopefully be very happy with what Santa brought them.

A Sage 1 weight fly rod with an Abel TR Light reel, leening up against a stream side rock, with a waterfall as background. Long exposure giving the water going over the falls a smooth, silky look.

A Sage 1 weight fly rod with an Abel TR Light reel, leening up against a stream side rock, a wooden landing net as backdrop

My New Years Resolution for the coming year, put the camera down more often, and pick up a fly rod.

See you on the river!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections

Reflections,  times three.

Still mostly submerged except for the top of its head, eyes, and nose, this beaver spotted me right away as it surfaced from under the ice into the unfrozen water at the edge of the pond.

North American Beaver cautiously checking out the guy with the long glass eye.

Louvered black hood of a drag racing car, accented with bright red and orange flames

 Louvers and flames meticulously painted on the hood of a hot rod.

The legs of a fly fisherman standing knee deep in the water, net hanging from his hip, stands patiently waiting for a fish to take his fly.

Fly fisherman patiently waiting for a trout to rise and take his fly.