Weekly Photo Challenge: Focus

The Water Lily Experiment

A photo study of the white fragrant water lily, captured at apertures f/1.4 through f/16.

24 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Focus

  1. Fascinating! If you think about what each composition communicates, it makes you marvel at the emotion of a dewdrop…or a blurred petal. Those tiny elements definitely carry a kind of weight, felt in some visceral, non-scientific way. At least, I think so!

    1. I haven’t ever thought of it that way, but you’re right. It’s amazing how something as simple as a change of aperture, and the resulting change in depth of field, can yield such a different feeling from otherwise identical photos.

  2. I must agree with other commenters…. Don’t delete!
    When looking at my photos I find it really hard to keep ones that are blurred or soft focus… Somehow my eyes don’t notice the artistic quality of my own photos when they aren’t sharp! I can see it in yours though 🙂

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